University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Radicalisation & Stigma
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Radicalisation & Stigma

The workshop took place at the University of Colombo on 24 February 202, at the invitation of Vice-Chancellor Professor Chandrika N Vijeyaratne and Dr M Mahees, Dept. of Sociology, specifically in the context of student bullying and potential radicalization.
This was an interdisciplinary workshop, with participants from across diverse sectors of the University.
We are most grateful to Professor Vijeyaratne and Dr Mahees for organising this event.
Part 1: presentation
• Personal contexts
• Stigma and the didactic model of health
• Identity and radicalisation
• Dialectical model of health and wellbeing
• Personal and social wellbeing
• Interactive session
• Stigma and destructive group processes
• Healthy groups and mindfulness
Part 2: median group discussion/dialogue

You can view an outline of the 6 presentations listed below by going to our Home page.
If you would like copies of these, they can be purchased for a small price. Please contact Dr Yoganathan on 07930 452511
A preview of our presentations and workshops at the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry, Bucharest, 25-28 October 2019
A preview of our presentations and workshops at the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry, Bucharest, 25-28 October 2019

Drugs, Creativity & Madness
7 May 2019
Drugs, Creativity & Madness
7 May 2019
- This educational meeting took place at the BMA. We focused on current issues around recreational drugs and the link between wellbeing and health. 2019 sees the 50th anniversary of the infamous Woodstock Festival, where music, drugs and counter-culture gained popular status. Recent statistics suggest high rates of illicit drug use among the over-50s . In this context, we trace the experience of some highly creative musicians and their ambiguous relationships with drugs. The webinar is in 3 parts: (1) Creativity and Wellbeing; (2) Drugs, Creativity & Madness;(3) Q&A.
To view, please go to:

At a time when the NHS is under immense pressure to meet demands, especially in mental health, the workshop aims to support health professionals, service users, families and other interested parties by examining personal values and the impact these have on our individual wellbeing and attitudes towards mental illness.
Participants will be introduced to theoretical concepts and models of wellbeing before completing an anonymous on-line questionnaire designed to stimulate reflection on personal values and practices related to their wellbeing. This session is interactive and will enable exchange of views. The questionnaires will be analysed after the event and a copy of the anonymised analysis will sent to all participants.
The theme of values will then focus on stigma, moving from general principles to stigma and mental illness. This session is also interactive. Participants will complete a staged questionnaire, when prompted, in order to determine their views before and after the workshop, thereby tracking any changes in perception. These questionnaires will also be analysed after the event, and an anonymised report will be sent to participants.

Shree Ghanapathy Temple, 125-133 Effra Road, Wimbledon SW19 8PU
14th December 2018 at 8.20 p.m.
Shree Ghanapathy Temple, 125-133 Effra Road, Wimbledon SW19 8PU
14th December 2018 at 8.20 p.m.
A presentation in English followed by a discussion in English and Tamil on how Hindu philosophy has influenced psychological treatments in mental health
Mental Health & Wellbeing Matters
BMA, January 2018
Mental Health & Wellbeing Matters
BMA, January 2018
A webinar given at the BMA. Part 1 focuses on Wellbeing and Mental Health, part 2 is about stigma, mental health and Zen.
To view the webinar, presentations, and Q&A session, please go to:
Food for thought
Food for thought
In the era of evidence-based practice, freedom of thought is heresy; freedom of action is blasphemy.
Dr N Yoganathan 2015 WACP, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico